Source code for httpq.httpq

`httpq` implementation.

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from toolbox.collections.item import Item, ItemType
from toolbox.collections.mapping import ItemDict, MultiEntryDict, ObjectDict, OverloadedDict, UnderscoreAccessDict

[docs] class state(enum.Enum): """ States of the HTTP request. """ TOP = 0 HEADER = 1 BODY = 2
[docs] class Headers(ItemDict, ObjectDict, OverloadedDict, UnderscoreAccessDict, MultiEntryDict): """ Container for HTTP headers. """ def _compile(self) -> bytes: """ Compile the headers. """ lines = [] for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, list): string = b"%s: " % k.raw + b", ".join([i.raw for i in self[k]]) + b"\r\n" else: string = b"%s: %s\r\n" % (k.raw, v.raw) lines.append(string) return b"%s\r\n" % b"".join(lines) def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any): """ Deletes the previous value of the item and sets the new value. Args: key: The key of the item. value: The value of the item. """ if key in self: del self[key] super().__setitem__(key, value) def __defaultsetitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any): """ Sets the value of the item without deleting the previous value. Args: key: The key of the item. value: The value of the item. """ super().__setitem__(key, value) @property def raw(self) -> bytes: """ The raw headers. """ return self._compile()
InpType = Optional[ItemType] HeadersType = Union[Headers, dict]
[docs] class Message(ABC): __slots__ = ("protocol", "headers", "body", "buffer")
[docs] def __init__( self, protocol: InpType = None, headers: HeadersType = {}, body: InpType = None, ): """ Initializes an HTTP message. Args: protocol: The protocol of the HTTP message. headers: The headers of the HTTP message. body: The body of the HTTP message. Note: :py:class:`Message` is the base class for :py:class:`Request` and :py:class:`Response`, and is not intended to be used directly. """ self.protocol = protocol self.headers = headers self.body = body self.buffer = b""
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Sets the value of the attribute. Defaults to ``toolbox.collections.Item``. Args: name: The name of the attribute. value: The value of the attribute. """ if name == "headers": super().__setattr__(name, Headers(value)) elif name == "buffer": super().__setattr__(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, Item(value))
[docs] def feed(self, msg: bytes) -> state: """ Adds chuncks of the message to the internal buffer. Args: msg: The message to add to the internal buffer. """ # Checks the msg type: if not isinstance(msg, bytes): raise TypeError("Message must be bytes.") self.buffer += msg return self.state
@property def state(self) -> state: if self.buffer.count(b"\r\n") > 0 and b"\r\n\r\n" not in self.buffer: return state.HEADER elif self.buffer.count(b"\r\n") == 0: return state.TOP current = state.TOP _, body = self.buffer.split(b"\r\n\r\n", 1) # Split the message into lines. for line in self.buffer.split(b"\r\n"): # Parses the first line of the HTTP/1.1 msg. if current == state.TOP: self._parse_top(line) current = state.HEADER # Parse the headers of the HTTP/1.1 msg. elif current == state.HEADER: if b":" in line: key, value = line.split(b":", 1) if b"," in value: value = value.split(b",") else: value = [value] for v in value: if key not in self.headers or v.strip() not in self.headers[key]: self.headers.__defaultsetitem__(key, v.strip()) else: current = state.BODY if current == state.BODY: self.body = body return current @abstractmethod def _parse_top(self, line: bytes): # pragma: no cover """ Parses the first line of the HTTP message. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, msg: bytes) -> "Message": """ Parses a complete HTTP message. Args: msg: The message to parse. """ obj = cls() obj.feed(msg) return obj
@abstractmethod def _compile_top(self) -> bytes: # pragma: no cover """ Compiles the first line of the HTTP message. """ raise NotImplementedError def _compile(self) -> bytes: """ Compiles a complete HTTP message. """ return b"%s%s%s" % (self._compile_top(), self.headers.raw, self.body.raw) @property def raw(self) -> bytes: """ Returns the raw (bytes) HTTP message. """ return self._compile() def __eq__(self, other: Message) -> bool: """ Compares two HTTP messages. """ return self.raw == other.raw def __str__(self) -> str: """ Pretty-print of the HTTP message. """ if self.__class__ == Request: arrow = "→ " elif self.__class__ == Response: arrow = "← " else: # pragma: no cover arrow = "? " return arrow + arrow.join(self._compile().decode("utf-8").rstrip("\r\n").splitlines(True))
[docs] class Request(Message): __slots__ = Message.__slots__ + ("method", "target")
[docs] def __init__( self, method: InpType = None, target: InpType = None, protocol: InpType = None, headers: HeadersType = {}, body: InpType = None, ): """ Initializes an HTTP request. Args: method: The method of the HTTP request. target: The target of the HTTP request. protocol: The protocol of the HTTP request. headers: The headers of the HTTP request. body: The body of the HTTP request. """ super().__init__(protocol, headers, body) self.method = method = target objs = [self.method,, self.protocol] if all(obj == None for obj in objs): self.buffer = b"" elif all(obj for obj in objs): self.buffer = b"%s %s %s\r\n" % ( self.method.raw,, self.protocol.raw, ) else: raise ValueError("Request must have method, target, and protocol.") if self.headers: self.buffer += self.headers.raw + b"\r\n\r\n" if self.body: self.buffer += self.body.raw
def _parse_top(self, line: bytes): """ Parses the first line of the HTTP request. """ self.method,, self.protocol = line.split(b" ") def _compile_top(self): """ Compiles the first line of the HTTP request. """ return b"%s %s %s\r\n" % (self.method.raw,, self.protocol.raw)
[docs] class Response(Message): __slots__ = Message.__slots__ + ("status", "reason")
[docs] def __init__( self, protocol: InpType = None, status: InpType = None, reason: InpType = None, headers: HeadersType = {}, body: InpType = None, ): """ Initializes an HTTP response. Args: protocol: The protocol of the HTTP response. status: The status of the HTTP response. reason: The reason of the HTTP response. headers: The headers of the HTTP response. body: The body of the HTTP response. """ super().__init__(protocol, headers, body) self.status = status self.reason = reason objs = [self.protocol, self.status, self.reason] if all(obj == None for obj in objs): self.buffer = b"" elif all(obj for obj in objs): self.buffer = b"%s %s %s\r\n" % ( self.protocol.raw, self.status.raw, self.reason.raw, ) else: raise ValueError("Response must have protocol, status, and reason.") if self.headers: self.buffer += self.headers.raw + b"\r\n\r\n" if self.body: self.buffer += self.body.raw
def _parse_top(self, line: bytes): """ Parses the first line of the HTTP response. """ self.protocol, self.status, self.reason = line.split(b" ") def _compile_top(self) -> bytes: """ Parses the first line of the HTTP response. """ return b"%s %s %s\r\n" % (self.protocol.raw, self.status.raw, self.reason.raw)